About 20% (80.000km2) of Ecuador are covered by tropic jungle (Amazon rainforest). The lowland of the Amazonas is called by Ecuadorians “Oriente”. Only 3% of the Ecuadorian population lives in this region. The Amazon basin spreads over 6 Ecuadorian provinces: Sucumbíos, Orellana, Napo, Pastaza, Morona Santiago and Zamora Chinchipe. The most common cities where your journey to the jungle begins are; Lago Agrio (the provincial capital of Sucumbíos), Coca (the provincial capital of Orellana) and Tena (the provincial capital of Napo). The Amazon region of Ecuador is one of the few places in the world where it’s probably best to travel with a group, with a guide or through a jungle lodge. In this way you will have a safe stay in this area and, most importantly, you get to learn about the plants and animals that make the area so special. During your stay in this area you can see different species of monkeys, caimans, tarantulas and lots and lots of birds. The climate in the jungle is always warm and it rains regularly. Most rain falls between January and May. In the rainy season the humidity is relatively high.