The Andes cross through the middle of the country from north to south in two parallel lines on a total length of about 500km. The valley between those two lines was called street of volcanoes by the German naturalist Alexander van Humbold. A name which is still up to now used, since you find plenty of peaks of volcanoes, which measure up to 6.300 meter. Generally the eastern cordillera is higher and in its appearance is more uniform than the western. In the high mountains are the capital Quito and the third city of Ecuador called Cuenca, at an altitude of 2,500 meters. The climate is mild. The dry season in the highlands is from June till September and December. During the remaining months, most precipitation falls. The rainfall is mainly in the afternoon and evening. The mornings are almost always sunny. In the wet season the sun shines at least a few hours a day. Even in the dry season can sometimes fall a shower. The temperature is the whole year between 7 ° C and 22 ° C.